Home Choral Music Registration Form

Registration Form

There are two steps to the registration process:

1. Fill out and submit the form below for each individual chorister.

2. After submitting the form you will be presented with online payment options.

If you wish to pay by cash or cheque, please contact: [email protected]
Confederation Centre of the Arts
145 Richmond St., Charlottetown
ATTN: Callista McIsaac


Please select the category of chorister you are registering. Please submit a separate form for each person.
10% Family discount will be automatically applied to members of the same household
Chorister's Name (as you would like it to appear in concert program)(Required)
Name of Parent/Guardian (if applicable)
Make note of any medical conditions.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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The Centre’s choral music program is supported by Maritime Electric

youth choir with red back drop

Upcoming Performances

Each ensemble presents a series of annual concerts, along with additional performance opportunities and creative collaborations.

Nick MacDonald, Director of Choral Music 

Nick MacDonald is a conductor, educator, and performer dedicated to exploring the power of group singing to inspire joy, creativity, and connection in people of all ages. Nick was born in Boston and grew up in New Hampshire where he began guitar lessons at age 10 and had his first choral experience in a Beatles choir camp the following year. This was the beginning of a lifelong passion for music, and he has since become known for offering inclusive spaces in which all feel welcome to learn, grow, and share their own authentic voice.

After completing his Bachelor of Music in Music Education at the University of Southern Maine, Nick continued his private vocal studies with tenor Mark Sprinkle of the Blue Heron Renaissance Choir, and has participated in numerous workshops and master classes with choral leaders including Rollo Dilworth, Hilary Apfelstadt, John William Trotter, Caron Daley, and Craig Jessop. He has worked as a choral director and music teacher in public and private schools, churches, and community choruses, and as a private instructor in voice and guitar. Before relocating to Prince Edward Island in 2017, he served as Choral Director at the Waynflete School and Music Director of the Tri-City Community Chorus.

Since moving to PEI, Nick has offered voice and movement workshops as part of the arts education program at Confederation Centre of the Arts, as well as classes and performances for young children through Family Place and the Summerside Arts Festival. He has also performed as a bass-baritone with Luminos Ensemble and Under the Spire Music Festival’s “Spire Choir.”

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