Home Art Gallery Publications


Confederation Centre Art Gallery produces a wide variety of bilingual publications highlighting works from its collection and current exhibitions.

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Individuals can also purchase publications at Bookmark’s Charlottetown location or at the Gallery. For more information, contact Trevor Corkum, Publications Coordinator at 902-629-1162 or [email protected].

  1. the currents that carry us

    Author: Roxanne Fernandes
    Date: 2024
    Price: $15
    ISBN: 978-1-928128-07-6

    52 pages, colour, bilingual Curated by Roxanne Fernandes Channelled through the artwork of eight eme... Read More

  2. Aftereffects

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2023
    Price: $19.95 + tax
    ISBN: 1978-1-928128-06-9

    60 pages, colour, bilingual

  3. SURABHI GHOSH: What’s mine is yours

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2022
    Price: $24.95
    ISBN: 9781928128038

    : 50 pages, colour, bilingual

  4. Gerard Clarkes: A Haunted Land

    Author: Pan Wendt, Ihor Holubizky
    Date: 2021
    Price: $19.95
    ISBN: 978-0-9200-89-93-4

    64 pages, colour, bilingual

  5. Give Me Shelter

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2021
    Price: $19.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-958

    87 pages, colour, bilingual

  6. Creative Obsessions: A Look At Contemporary Craft in Prince Edward Island

    Author: Ray Cronin and Sarah Maloney
    Date: 2020
    Price: $5.00
    ISBN: 9781928128021

    43 pages, colour, bilingual

  7. Mi’kwite’tmn / Ursula Johnson

    Author: Rachelle Dickenson, Robin Metcalfe, Ryan Rice, Carla Taunton, France Trepanier, Chris Creighton-Kelly, Pan Wendt, Ursula Johnson
    Date: 2019
    Price: $50.00
    ISBN: 9781927740072

    160 pages, colour, Mi’kmaq, French, English

  8. Predicaments: Brian Burke, a retrospective

    Author: Pan Wendt, Robert Slifkin, Heinz Stahlhut, Judith Scherer
    Date: 2019
    Price: $35.00
    ISBN: 978-0-9200-89-97-2

    165 pages, colour, bilingual

  9. “Living Lightly on the Earth”, Building an Ark for Prince Edward Island, 1974-76

    Author: Daniel A. Barber, Steven Mannell, Lukas Bergmark
    Date: 2018
    Price: $39.95
    ISBN: 978-0-929112-69-5

    116 pages, colour, English

  10. Leah Garnett – When One Space Meets Another

    Author: Rebecca Duclos, Pan Wendt, Leah Garnett
    Date: 2018
    Price: $10.00
    ISBN: 978-0-88828-258-3

    55 pages, colour, English

  11. Erik Edson – Other Stories

    Author: Emily Falvey, Pan Wendt
    Date: 2018
    Price: $10.00
    ISBN: 978-0-88828-257-6

    53 pages, colour English

  12. RE:collection

    Author: Kevin Rice with multiple authors
    Date: 2017
    Price: $29.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-91-0

    176 pages, colour, French edition available

  13. New Positions: Alexis Bulman, Andrew Cairns, Monica Lacey, Alexandra O’Sullivan

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2017
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-92-7

    39 pages, colour, bilingual

  14. Karen Stentaford: Island Types

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2016
    Price: $6.67
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-89-7

    16 pages, colour, and black and white, bilingual

  15. Acquired in 1964

    Author: Cathy Busby, Pan Wendt
    Date: 2015
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-85-9

    64 pages, colour, bilingual

  16. Hank Bull: Connexion

    Author: Pan Wendt, Joni Low, Serge Guilbaut, Alex Muir
    Date: 2015
    Price: $25.00
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-87-3

    160 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  17. somewheres

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2014
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-83-5

    39 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  18. Lionel F. Stevenson: Fifty Years of Photographs (1962-2012)

    Author: Pan Wendt
    Date: 2013
    Price: $24.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-77-4

    75 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  19. Dan Steeves: The Memory of Pain

    Author: Tom Smart
    Date: 2013
    Price: $10.00
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-75-0

    42 pages, colour, bilingual

  20. Elaine Harrison: I am an island that dreams

    Author: Jane Ledwell, Kevin Rice and Douglas Sobey
    Date: 2011
    Price: $24.95
    ISBN: 978-1-894838-63-4

    60 pages, colour, English only

  21. Steve Higgins, All Things Considered: thoughts about cities and history, war and peace

    Author: Ihor Holubizky, Jeanne Randolph, Liz Wylie, Peter Dykhuis, and Cliff Eyland
    Date: 2011
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-71-2

    59 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  22. Jayce Salloum: history of the present

    Author: Ammiel Alcalay, Jen Budney, Dana Claxton, Rawi Hage, Jamelie Hassan, Ali Lohan & Irene Loughlin, Bernadette Phan, Meeka Noelle Morgan, Walid Raad & Farid Sarroukh, Haema Sivanesan, Urban Subjects, and Keith Wallace
    Date: 2009
    Price: $29.95
    ISBN: 978-1-896359-69-4

    111 pages, colour, bilingual

  23. Funkaesthetics

    Author: Luis Jacob, Adrian Piper and Pan Wendt
    Date: 2009
    Price: $15.00
    ISBN: 978-0-7727-6075-3

    128 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  24. Common Threads

    Author: Introduction by Alexandra Keim, contributions from Lee Plested, Wayne Baerwaldt, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Matthew Higgs, Instant Coffee, Cate Rimmer and Jennifer Strate O'Neal
    Date: 2008
    Price: $19.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-67-5

    accordion leaf publication, hand wrapped with 24 images, bilingual

  25. Colleen Wolstenholme: Sugar & Spice

    Author: Pan Wendt, Ray Cronin and Jeanne Randolph
    Date: 2008
    Price: $12.95
    ISBN: 978-0-920089-69-9

    48 pages, colour, bilingual

  26. Dark Matter: The Great War and Fading Memory

    Author: Andrew Hunter
    Date: 2006
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-65-8

    137 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  27. These stones-this sea, dreaming: Paintings by Donald Andrus

    Author: Pan Wendt and Alexandra Keim
    Date: 2006
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-65-8

    32 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  28. Water Flowing to the Sea Captured at the Speed of Light: Marlene Creates

    Author: Ted Rettig
    Date: 2005
    Price: $4.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-61-5

    31 pages, colour, bilingual

  29. Thaddeus Holownia, Station: Irving Architectural Landscapes

    Author: Shauna McCabe and Annmarie Adams
    Date: 2005
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-63-1

    55 pages, black and white, bilingual

  30. To A Watery Grave

    Author: Andrew Hunter
    Date: 2004
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-57-7

    99 pages, black and white, bilingual

  31. Beauty Queens

    Author: Lisa Baldissera, Shauna McCabe and Bruce Johnson
    Date: 2004
    Price: $15.95
    ISBN: 0-88885-218-5

    110 pages, colour, English only

  32. Littoral Documents

    Author: Shauna McCabe, Harold Williams and Hermenegilde Chiasson
    Date: 2004
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-55-0

    58 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  33. From Our Land: The Expo 67 Canadian Craft Collection

    Author: Lee Plested
    Date: 2004
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-59-3

    72 pages, colour, bilingual

  34. Between Earth & Sky (in knowing one, one will know the other): Geoffrey Hendricks

    Author: Shauna McCabe, Wayne Baerwaldt and Geoffrey Hendricks
    Date: 2003
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-51-8

    59 pages, colour, English only

  35. The Donnelly Project

    Author: Andrew Hunter
    Date: 2002
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 1-895800-79-X

    30 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  36. Bliss

    Author: Shauna McCabe
    Date: 2002
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-47-X

    32 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  37. Timepiece: Hilda Woolnough

    Author: Linda Rae Dornan
    Date: 2001
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-90-9

    54 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  38. E. Nancy Stevens: In Transit

    Author: Gil McElroy
    Date: 2001
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-88-7

    30 pages, colour, bilingual

  39. St. Art: The Visual Poetry of bpNichol

    Author: Gil McElroy, Paul Dutton and Barbara Caruso
    Date: 2000
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-84-4

    79 pages, black and white, English only

  40. Gerald Beaulieu: X-Ray Specs

    Author: Gil McElroy
    Date: 2000
    Price: $4.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-80-1

    27 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  41. The Narrative Landscapes of A.L. Morrison

    Author: Shauna McCabe
    Date: 2000
    Price: $14.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-86-0

    101 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  42. Henry Purdy: Freedom Comes Inside Out

    Author: Ted Fraser
    Date: 2000
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-88-7

    44 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  43. The Garrison Mentality: Art & The Military In The Maritimes, 1837-1871

    Author: Edward MacDonald and Mark Holton
    Date: 2000
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-76-3

    20 pages, colour and black and white, 5 detached colour prints, bilingual

  44. Desire: Greg Forrest, Lauren Schaffer, Colleen Wolstenholme

    Author: Ray Cronin
    Date: 2000
    Price: $4.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-82-8

    32 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  45. There are no limits: The Work of Herménégilde Chiasson

    Author: Charlotte Townsend-Gault, Raoul Boudreau and Alain Masson
    Date: 1999
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-74-7

    175 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  46. George Ackermann (1803-1891): Brave New Worlds

    Author: Ted Fraser and John Ford
    Date: 1999
    Price: $14.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-70-4

    71 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  47. Taxonomies: New Drawings by Susan Wood

    Author: Gil McElroy
    Date: 1999
    Price: $4.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-72-0

    12 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  48. Erica Rutherford: The Human Comedy

    Author: Ray Cronin, Irene Gammel and J. Paul Boudreau
    Date: 1998
    Price: $4.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-60-7

    47 pages, colour and black and white, English only

  49. Armand Vaillancourt: Song of the Nations

    Author: Terry Graff and John K. Grande
    Date: 1998
    Price: $9.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-66-6

    64 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  50. Six inventions: Paul Édouard Bourque

    Author: Roslyn Rosenfeld
    Date: 1997
    Price: $1.95
    ISBN: 0-920084-56-9

    24 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  51. Mister Man: Paintings by Brian Burke

    Author: Terry Graff, Sheri McBride
    Date: 1996
    Price: $6.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-50-X

    34 pages, colour, English text

  52. Yvon Gallant: Based on a True Story

    Author: Terry Graff
    Date: 1995
    Price: $19.95
    ISBN: 2-7600-0285-3

    177 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

  53. David Askevold: Cultural Geographies and Other Works

    Author: Terry Graff, Petra Rigby Watson, Mike Kelley, Cliff Eyland and David Askevold
    Date: 1995
    Price: $14.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-52-6

    86 pages, black and white, English text

  54. Gothic Dreams: The Architecture of William Critchlow Harris, 1854-1913

    Author: Robert C. Tuck
    Date: 1986
    Price: $14.95
    ISBN: 0-920089-41-0

    150 pages, colour and black and white, bilingual

Online Publications

New Positions: Alexis Bulman, Andrew Cairns, Monica Lacey, Alexandra O’Sullivan
Ranging from photography to painting, video to installations, the New Positions catalogue features a selection of recent work by four young Prince Edward Island artists who represent a cross-section of developing local practices. Click here to view.

Jayce Salloum: history of the present
A mid-career survey of this acclaimed Canadian artist’s photo- and video-based installations, the exhibition catalogue explores identity, migration, and shifting global territories. Click to download the catalogue in French.

Allan Harding MacKay: Observing the Observer
The catalogue highlights the four-decades-long career of a P.E.I.-born artist who continues to make significant contributions to Canadian culture. MacKay’s career is marked by a consistent commitment to critical observation, and his focus has ranged from deeply personal portraits to difficult public engagements in the war-torn states of Somalia and Afghanistan. In his blending of 1960s conceptual practice, and a traditional, tactile studio approach, MacKay conveys an intellectually rigorous yet passionately felt understanding of the complex dynamics of the intimate, the social and the political.

His 2008 exhibition at Confederation Centre Art Gallery featured work drawn from key periods in his life and over the past twenty years. The catalogue includes an essay by guest curator Andrew Hunter, an interview-dialogue between MacKay and Calgary artist John Will, and reflections from the artist’s daughter, Simone Esther MacKay. Click here to view.

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