World Theatre Day

This World Theatre Day 2024, Confederation Centre of the Arts recognizes and celebrates the power and impact of Atlantic Canada’s theatres. Join us in applauding fellow theatres and theatre companies in forging ahead despite ongoing headwinds. Initiated in 1962, World Theatre Day is celebrated annually on March 27 by theatre communities globally. It is a day to recognize and take action on UNESCO’s Intn’l Theatre Institute (ITI)’s goals:
- Promote Theatre in all it’s forms
- Make people aware of the value of theatre in all its forms.
- Enable theatre communities to promote their work broadly so that governments and opinion leaders are aware of its value and importance and support it.
- Enjoy theatre in all its forms for its own sake.
- Share the joy for theatre with others.
The Centre encourages EVERYONE to engage with a local theatre – attend, support, promote, stand up for, and join – even build theatre where there is none yet.
CHECK OUT THEATRES: We’ve attempted to build an exhaustive list of the creative spaces around Atlantic Canada. It is likely spotty, but a good place to start.

If you are an Atlantic Canadian THEATRE or Theatre COMPANY and we missed you on the page or made an error, please say ‘hi’ in an email to lkinsman@confederationcentre.
- Confederation Centre of the Arts, Charlottetown
- Eptek Art & Culture Centre, Summerside
- Florence Simmons Performance Hall, Charlottetown
- Harbourfront Theatre, Summerside
- Harmony House, Hunter River
- Island Fringe Festival, Charlottetown
- Kings Playhouse, Georgetown
- La veillée au village, Abram Village
- L’nu Campfire Stories, Charlottetown
- Performing Arts Centre, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown
- Scott MacAulay Performing Arts Centre at the College of Piping, Summerside
- The Guild, Charlottetown
- The River Clyde Pageant, New Glasgow
- Victoria Playhouse, Victoria
- Village Musical Acadien, Wellington
- Watermark Theatre, North Rustico
- Calithumpians Fredericton Outdoor Summer Theatre
- Capitol Theatre, Moncton
- Centre Des Arts d’Edmundston
- Charlotte Street Arts Centre, Fredericton
- Fencibles Theatre Fredericton
- Imperial Theatre, Saint John
- Le Pays de la Sagouine, Bouctouche
- Live Bait Theatre, Sackville
- McSweeney Company Dinner Theatre Moncton
- Miramichi Folklore Park, Renous
- Monument-Lefebvre National Historic Site, Memramcook
- St. Andrews Summer Theatre
- The Playhouse, Fredericton
- Théâtre l’Escaouette, Moncton
- Theatre New Brunswick, Fredericton
- Théâtre populaire d’Acadie, Caraquet
- Vogue Theatre/Carrefour Beausoleil, Miramichi
- Al Whittle Theatre, Wolfville
- Astor Theatre & Town Hall Arts Centre, Liverpool
- Chester Playhouse
- Dalhousie Arts Centre, Halifax
- deCoste Centre, Pictou
- Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre
- Glasgow Square Theatre, New Glasgow
- Highland Arts Centre, Sydney
- King’s Theatre, Annapolis Royal
- Louisbourg Playhouse
- Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia, Windsor
- Musquodoboit Valley Bicentennial Theatre and Cultural Centre, Middle Musquodoboit
- Neptune Theatre, Halifax
- Osprey Arts Centre, Shelburne
- Ross Creek Centre for the Arts, Canning
- Savoy Theatre, Glace Bay
- Shakespeare by the Sea, Halifax
- Ship’s Company Theatre, Parrsboro
- Spatz Theatre, Halifax
- Strathspey Performing Arts Centre, Mabou
- The Y’ARC, Yarmouth
- Theatre Baddeck, Baddeck
- Two Planks and a Passion Theatre, Canning
- Beothuk Interpretation Centre
- Corner Brook Arts and Culture Centre, Corner Brook
- First Light Centre for Performance and Creativity, St. John’s
- Garrick Theatre, Bonavista
- Gordon Pinsent Centre for the Arts, Grand Falls-Windsor
- Hotel Gander Theatre, Gander
- John C. Perlin Arts and Culture Centre, St. John’s
- Joseph R. Smallwood Arts and Culture Centre, Gander
- Labrador West Arts and Culture Centre, Labrador City
- Miawpukek Annual Powwow, Conne River
- Nurse Myra Bennett Centre for the Performing Arts/TNL, Gros Morne Theatre Festival, Cow Head
- Penwaaq L’nu’k – Benoit First Nation, Cape St. George
- Perchance Theatre, Conception Harbour
- Placentia Area Theatre d’Heritage “PATH” / Placentia Arts Centre, Placentia Bay
- Queen Street Dinner Theatre, Grand Falls-Windsor
- Resource Centre for the Arts (LSPU Hall)
- Rising Tide Theatre / Seasons in the Bight Theatre Festival, Trinity
- Spirit of Newfoundland Productions, St. John’s
- Stephenville Arts and Culture Centre / Stephenville Theatre Festival, Stephenville
- The Beaches Arts and Heritage Centre, Eastport
- Twillingate/NWI Dinner Theatre, Twillingate
- Woody Point Heritage Theatre, Woody Point
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