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Scholarships & Bursaries

Art Education Scholarships & Bursaries:

Erica Rutherford Memorial Bursary

This fund awards an annual bursary for a student continuing a second term in any manner of accredited performing and visual arts education. The family of Erica Rutherford set up this fund in 2014 with donations raised at the time of Erica’s passing in 2008.

Post-secondary students within Canada who are continuing (i.e., second year or second term) any manner of artistic, performing, visual, etc. accredited education. Priority will be given to residents of Prince Edward Island.

One non-renewable bursary of $500 will be offered for the year. 

May 31

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The Pam Williamson Scholarship Fund

This fund assists students in continuing education in recognized schools of art, music, or dance at the university level. This fund was created to recognize Pamela Williamson’s work with children.

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Susan Fitzpatrick Fund for Youth Programming

Started in 2011 to invest in the overall operations of arts education at the Centre. The fund has supported instructor fees and master classes to enhance the quality of programming.

L.W. (Lou) MacEachern Endowment Fund

Formed in 2010 to benefit children and youth arts education programming at the Centre.

The McConnell Foundation Fund for Aboriginal Youth Education

Introduced in 2016 to support Aboriginal youth within the Centre’s programming and educational opportunities in visual, performing, and musical arts.

Michael S. Schurman Family Foundation Fund

Established in 2009 to provide scholarships for students at the Centre in youth arts education programming including visual art, choral music, theatre, dance, film, and any future Centre offerings. Includes an outreach focus on ensuring Summerside youth have equality of programming access

Wanda Wyatt Endowment

Designated in 2003 to expand the Centre’s commitment to youth education programs in visual, performing, and musical arts, and to create a permanent legacy for Ms. Wyatt though an estate gift.

Arts Scholarship Program

The Friends’ Arts Scholarship Award Program is for Prince Edward Island high school graduating students who will be pursuing full time post secondary studies in applicable arts programs in Canada.

Three non-renewable scholarships of $750 will be offered each year.

1. Completed Application Form:


2. Proof of acceptance into a Canadian post-secondary program in the appropriate arts program.

3. Resume outlining the following:
• employment history
• extracurricular activities
• volunteer activities
• activities relevant to the scholarship

4. One reference letter providing a recommendation for the scholarship

5. Two references (other than family members) who may be contacted to provide reference to your achievements in the arts.

6. A short outline indicating which scholarship you wish to be considered for.

7. An original 800-1000 word essay addressing the topic which applies to the scholarship for which you wish to be considered (Double spaced 14 font).

Theatre & Performance Funds

The ACCELERANDO Classical Music Performance Fund

Serves as a mechanism to increase live classical music performances and the opportunities for young musicians to learn.

The Elizabeth Mawson Theatre Legacy Fund

The Fund supports the development of new theatrical works at The Charlottetown Festival. This fund was created by Elizabeth’s sons Allan and Douglas Mawson in Toronto to honour their mother’s 30 years as Marilla and 33 years at the Centre.

Stevenson Endowment for the Arts

Started in 2008 by Centre employee Terry Mark Stevenson, this Fund supports new theatrical works at the Centre.

Norman and Elaine Campbell Legacy Fund: Anne of Green Gables–The Musical™ Endowment

Ensures the continued high quality and integrity of the theatrical properties and assets of Anne of Green Gables –The Musical™ for Canadian and international audiences for generations to come. 

The Friends’ Scholarships

The Friends’ Mavor Moore Memorial Scholarship for Theatre Studies

How have various aspects of Canadian Theatre influenced your life and future direction?

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The Friends’ Elaine Campbell “Bosom Friends” Memorial Scholarship for Musical Studies

Today many theatre productions, due to cost, utilize taped music as opposed to live performance music. Discuss the importance of live music to accompany theatre productions.

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The Friends’ Gwen Fichaud, Eleanor Lowe, Elspeth Putnam Art To The Schools Memorial Scholarship for Visual Arts Studies
Discuss the importance of art education in the schools system and its role in helping you choose study in visual arts. NOTES 1. The complete application package must have a cover page listing the scholarship for which you are applying, applicants name, address and telephone number and graduating school. 2. Applicants must submit three(3) copies of the above documents. 3. DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME OR ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ON THE ESSAY 4. No fax or e-mail applications will be accepted 5. Acknowledgment of receipt will be sent via e-mail to those who provide a valid e-mail address. Download PDF Here or Apply Online

Art Gallery Funds

A.G. and Eliza Jane Ramsden Endowment Fund

Established by bequest to support the acquisition and purchase of works of art for the Gallery.

Frederick and Shirley Hyndman Gallery Endowment

Generally provides for custodial and curatorial work with the Gallery’s permanent collection, with emphasis and special consideration for the Robert Harris portion. This Fund also advances Gallery research, education, publications, collection management, conservation, exhibition, and acquisition.

Ann Dow Lee Watercolour Fund

The Centre’s first endowment fund was created by Bayliss Lee for his wife Ann in 1973 to empower the gallery in acquiring water colour paintings.

McMillan Fund

Organized by Board members, the medical community, and Dr. Colin McMillan, this Fund helps to care for the physical structure of the gallery, mount exhibitions and performances, and generally administer and maintain the Gallery.

Dr. Donald A. Stewart and Family Gallery Fund

Inaugurated in 2013, this fund generates income to sustain general programming and operations of the Gallery.

Weston Fund for Canadian Art

Founded in 1994 by Galen Weston Limited for the purpose of assisting the Gallery to acquire Canadian art for the gallery.

Donor’s Trust

Created in 1998, the fund allows the Board Collections Committee to acquire new works for the Gallery at its discretion.

Eleanor Lowe Fund

Supports the Gallery from donations made in 2001, at the time of Ms. Lowe’s 100th birthday.