Home Support the Centre Gift of Securities

Gift of Securities

A Great Opportunity
To Give

Donating securities is one of the most tax-effective forms of philanthropy. Transferring your shares directly to Confederation Centre, rather than selling them, offers you taxation benefits and may enable you to make a larger donation than would be possible with a cash gift alone. You receive a donation receipt equivalent to the value of the securities and the Centre benefits from the full value of your donation.

To make a donation of securities to the Confederation Centre of the Arts Foundation, your broker may transfer your gift electronically, as outlined below, or via certificate form.

NOTE: The determination of the tax receipt value is based on the closing price of the shares on the day the securities are deposited into the “Confederation Centre of the Arts Foundation” account. Please contact your personal broker with the following donation information:


Please transfer gift of securities to the account listed below:
Confederation Centre of the Arts Foundation
RBC Dominion Securites Inc.
Account #384-01414-14
Attn: Sandra MacDonald sandra.macdonald@rbc.com

Learn more about Supporting the Centre

Contact Emily Smith, Major Gifts Officer
902-629-1196 or esmith@confederationcentre.com