Home Public Security Checks for the 2017 Symons Medal and Lecture

Public Security Checks for the 2017 Symons Medal and Lecture

(Charlottetown, P.E.I.) – The 2017 Symons Medal and Lecture starts at noon on November 23rd. This year the Symons Medal is awarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Justin P.J. Trudeau. For the safety of the public, security measures have been put in place. We asking for the public’s assistance in helping us expedite this process in the most efficient manner.

When can I pick up my tickets?

– Please pick up your tickets as soon as possible to avoid wait times at the box office on the 23rd. Box office is open 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. on November 22.

What time can I line up to get in the building on November 23?

– We’re asking all attendees to enter through our Richmond Street entrance; doors open at 9 a.m. (all other entrances to the Centre will be closed).
– Due to public demand, ticket holders must be seated in the Homburg Theatre by 11:45 a.m. or risk losing a seat.
– Please have photo identification with you and allow for at least 15 minutes to complete the security process.

Can I bring personal belongings into the building?

– There will be a mandatory coat and bag check for security purposes. You’re encouraged to arrive early in order to give yourself enough time to go through the security checks and please remember city parking will be limited.

When can a ticket holder enter the Homburg Theatre to get a seat?

– Doors to the Homburg Theatre open at 11 a.m.
– Seating is on a first come, first served basis.

What other options are there to see the Symons Medal and Lecture and Dream Catchers performance?

– Seating and livestream on large television screens will be provided in Memorial Hall. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.
– Or join the livestream of the event from the comfort of your home or office via the following links:
– French YouTube
English YouTube 

For more information please visit www.confederationcentre.com/symonsmedallecture and follow event updates on social media @confedcentre and via hashtag, #Symons2017.


About the Symons Medal Ceremony and Lecture:
The Symons Medal and Lecture Series is named in honour of Professor Thomas H.B. Symons, a long-time supporter of Confederation Centre and a Board Governor. Professor Symons, the founding President of Trent University, is widely recognized for his work in the field of Canadian Studies, particularly within public policy, heritage, and education.

Media contact:
Tanya Wiltshire, Communications Manager, Confederation Centre of the Arts
T: 902.628.6135 (office) E: [email protected]
facebook.com/ConfedCentre | Twitter/Instagram: @confedcentre
For more Centre news: confederationcentre.com/en/news.php