Apply for Arts Education
Scholarships & Bursaries

Financial Aid

For Centre Camps & Classes
Financial aid is available to a limited number of participants who register for a Confederation Centre of the Arts class or camp. This funding will cover a portion of the fee. There are no cash awards. Please fill out the financial aid question when you apply for a class or camp.
The financial aid you receive is made possible by the Centre’s generous donors. After you are confirmed to be registered for the class or camp, you will be notified of the donor who supported you and be asked to write a thank you letter.
The application deadline is two weeks prior to the start date of the class or camp for which you are registering.
Scholarships Recipients

The Friends’ Mavor Moore Memorial Scholarship for Theatre Studies Bursary.
Recipients : Isabella Butler (presented by Chair of Friends of Confederation Centre, Monique Lafontaine)
School : Bluefield High School
Name of institution : Sheridan College
Program of study : Honours Bachelor of Music Theatre Performance

Recipient : Roisin Mullen (presented by Friends of Confederation Centre committee member, Vicki Allen Cooke)
School : Colonel Gray Senior High
Name of institution : Holland College
Program of study : Fundamental Arts

Friends’ Elaine Campbell “Bosom Friends” Memorial Scholarship for Musical Studies, Bursary.
Recipients : Brennan Smith (presented by Friends of Confederation Centre committee member, Linda MacIsaac-Gallant)
School : Three Oaks Senior High School
Name of institution : University of Prince Edward Island
Program of study : Bachelor of Music
Scholarships & Bursaries

Erica Rutherford Memorial Bursary 2025
This fund awards an annual bursary for a student continuing a second term in any manner of accredited performing and visual arts education. The family of Erica Rutherford set up this fund in 2014 with donations raised at the time of Erica’s passing in 2008.
Post-secondary students within Canada who are continuing (i.e., second year or second term) any manner of artistic, performing, visual, etc. accredited education. Priority will be given to residents of Prince Edward Island.
One non-renewable bursary of $500 will be offered for the year.
April 30, 2025 Deadline
The Pam Williamson Scholarship Fund
This fund assists students in continuing education in recognized schools of art, music, or dance at the university level. This fund was created to recognize Pamela Williamson’s work with children.
Post-secondary students within Canada who are entering the first year of any
accredited education in art, music, or dance. Priority will be given to residents of
Prince Edward Island.
One non-renewable bursary of $500 will be offered for the year.
Deadline for applications being received is April 30, 2025 at 5pm. Successful
applicant will be notified by May 15, 2025
The Friends’ Scholarships

The Friends’ Arts Scholarship Award Program is for Prince Edward Island graduating high school students who will be pursuing full time post secondary studies in applicable arts programs in Canada.
Three non-renewable scholarships of $750 will be offered each year.
1. Completed Application Form
2. Proof of acceptance into a Canadian post-secondary program in the appropriate arts program.
3. Resume outlining the following:
• employment history
• extracurricular activities
• volunteer activities
• activities relevant to the scholarship
4. One reference letter providing a recommendation for the scholarship
5. Two references (other than family members) who may be contacted to provide reference to your achievements in the arts.
6. A short outline indicating which scholarship you wish to be considered for:
A. The Friends’ Mavor Moore Memorial Scholarship for Theatre Studies
Essay Question: How have various aspects of Canadian Theatre influenced your life and future direction?
B. The Friends’ Elaine Campbell “Bosom Friends” Memorial Scholarship for Musical Studies
Essay Question: Today many theatre productions, due to cost, utilize taped music as opposed to live performance music. Discuss the importance of live music to accompany theatre productions.
C. The Friends’ Gwen Fichaud, Eleanor Lowe, Elspeth Putnam Art To The Schools Memorial Scholarship for Visual Arts Studies
Essay Question: Discuss the importance of art education in the school system and its role in helping you choose to study visual arts.
7. An original 800-1000 word essay addressing the topic which applies to the scholarship for which you wish to be considered (Double spaced 14 font). Do not put your name or identifying information on the essay.
May 15, 2025