Home Mardi Gras celebrations at Confederation Centre of the Arts to kick off Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie

Mardi Gras celebrations at Confederation Centre of the Arts to kick off Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie

January 30, 2025 – Island celebrations for this year’s Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie (RVF) will kick off with a lively Mardi Gras concert and a mask making workshop at Confederation Centre of the Arts.

March is recognized as the month of the Francophonie around the world. Throughout the month, the French language and francophone culture is celebrated by Acadians, Francophones, Canadians, and Francophiles across the country and the province.

In collaboration with La Fédération culturelle de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (FCÎPÉ), le Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean, Francofolies de Charlottetown, and Festival Route 11, Confederation Centre of the Arts will host two events on Saturday, March 1 to celebrate Mardi Gras and RVF.

A Mardi Gras mask making workshop will take place in the afternoon to embrace the centuries-old tradition of the holiday; New Orleans’ Mardi Gras is considered the biggest masked party in North America. Later that evening, a concert will take place at The Mack with performances from Acadian folk music group Vishtèn, and Louisiana Cajun artists Danser Collé featuring Roddie Romero.

“We are honoured to partner with these organizations to co-host the launch of RVF, and to work closely with the community to bring quality francophone programming to the Island. Last summer, the Acadian flag was added as a permanent fixture outside the Centre in recognition of the important contributions made by Acadians and Francophones on the Island. The Centre is proud to continue celebrating French-Canadian culture.”

– Steve Bellamy, CEO of Confederation Centre of the Arts

“La Fédération culturelle de l’Î.-P.-É. and le Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean are thrilled to invite the community to a vibrant Mardi Gras celebration in honour of les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie. This event offers a unique opportunity to dive into the rich musical traditions of the francophone world, from the traditional sounds of the Island Acadians to the energetic rhythms of the Cajuns of Louisiana. Come celebrate with us as we embrace the diversity and unity that make La Francophonie so unique and special.”

– Ghislaine Cormier and Émile Gallant, Executive Directors of La Fédération culturelle de l’Î.-P.-É and le Carrefour de l’Isle-Saint-Jean

Tickets for both the workshop and concert are on sale now. To purchase, visit confederationcentre.com/mardigras, call
1-800-565-0278, or go to the Centre’s box office.

For information on Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, visit rvf.ca.


Media Contacts:
Emily McMahon, Communications Manager, Confederation Centre of the Arts
[email protected] | 902-628-6135

Germain Arsenault, Coordinator, Fédération culturelle de l’Î.-P.-É.
[email protected] | 902-368-31189