Home Confederation Centre of the Arts will livestream the 2017 Symons Lecture and Medal Presentation

Confederation Centre of the Arts will livestream the 2017 Symons Lecture and Medal Presentation

(Charlottetown, P.E.I.) – On November 23 @ 12 p.m. Confederation Centre of the Arts will livestream, in both official languages, The 2017 Symons Medal and Lecture. This year the Symons Medal is awarded to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Justin P.J. Trudeau.

The Symons Medal and Lecture event will also feature a live 30-minute performance of the Centre’s 2017 Young Company production The Dream Catchers. Join the livestream from the comfort of your home or office via the following links:
French YouTube
English YouTube 

We’re also excited that 500 students from across the Island and the Maritime region will attend this year’s lecture. At this point all tickets are allocated, however, we are now taking names for a wait list. Here are a few details:

How do I get my name on the wait list for tickets in the Homburg Theatre?
– Please visit Confederation Centre’s box office in person, or phone 902-566-1267 (toll free at 1-800-565-0278) to have your name added to the wait list. Maximum of two tickets per person.
– If any tickets become available prior to the event the box office will contact people on the wait list, in the order that they were added, and if we don’t reach you we will not leave a phone message, and will move on to the next name on the list.

What if I am on the wait list and I don’t get a seat in the Homburg theatre for November 23?
– You’re invited to view the 2017 Symons Medal and Lecture in Memorial Hall via livestream (English-language feed). This is on a first come, first served basis. Up to 250 seats will be provided in Memorial Hall for this purpose.
– If any seats do become available, patrons in Memorial Hall will be invited to the Homburg Theatre.
– Please present photo identification on the day in order to be granted access to the building.

Thank-you for your interest in this event. We will keep you informed as new information becomes available.

The 2017 Symons Medal Ceremony will take place in the Homburg Theatre at Confederation Centre. For more information, please visit www.confederationcentre.com/symonsmedallecture and follow event updates on social media @confedcentre and via hashtag, #Symons2017.


Photo Cutline: The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the 2017 recipient of the prestigious Symons Medal from Confederation Centre of the Arts. Mr. Trudeau will receive the Symons Medal and offer his thoughts on the current state of Canadian Confederation in a public ceremony at Confederation Centre November 23 (submitted image).

About the Symons Medal Ceremony and Lecture:
The Symons Medal and Lecture is named in honour of Professor Thomas H.B. Symons, a long-time supporter of Confederation Centre and a Board Governor. Professor Symons, the founding President of Trent University, is widely recognized for his work in the field of Canadian Studies, particularly within public policy, heritage, and education.


Media contact:
Tanya Wiltshire, Communications Manager, Confederation Centre of the Arts
T: 902.628.6135 (office) E: [email protected]
facebook.com/ConfedCentre | Twitter/Instagram: @confedcentre
For more Centre news: confederationcentre.com/en/news.php